The world will end in 2411. Don’t you believe me? You fool.
I have irrefutable evidence – I divined it myself from this double egg yolk. It’s so obvious.
The Heavens will split open,

and the Earth shall rupture.
From the depths of the Sea,
the beasts will rise.

Humankind will be split into two, to be sent to Heaven
and Hell.
Or did I mix the two up?
I was looking forward to the latest bizarro selections from the flea market, Vanda, but these are even better.
What a shame I won't live to see the end of the world if it's going to be as pretty and fun as you tell it. Hey ho. I did eat fresh baby octopus at the weekend so at least I'm doing my part to bring about the end of days.
Was it live baby octopus?
Unfortunately not, but even when they're dead the little cuties sure do wriggle and writhe in the pan and wave their tentacles about like crazy.
I might well video that and post it to gross people out.
I don't care, I won't be here.
I always like your iPhotos.
Yeah, me neither. Makes it easier to prophesy.
I love your pictures. And the strange things you find at the flea markets. I've a feeling that were the world to end while we are here, all the blogs would have interjectory posts of the same two words -
"Oh,$%@*!" - and a picture.
Haha! If the end of the world came, people's first reaction would be to tweet and make Facebook posts about it. Somebody would of course post "first," but by the time he'd hit the send button he'd be way down the queue.
^ ^
you've just revealed the secret to loosing "Jeopardy"
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