I have a fully functional home phone again. I used to have the ringer turned off, no answering machine. And now I'm struck by the kindness of strangers, trying to help me out in my time of need. Sadly they have a hard time zeroing in on what that need may be.
First there was the nice young man offering to help renegotiate my mortgage. I was sad to inform him that I rent.
Then there was the other young man telling me "I see you have over $10,000 in credit card debt..." I had to tell him the his crystal ball was broken, I have no credit card debt.
A third one had "records" showing that I expressed interest in college classes. His records must have been at least a decade old.
What these young men need to pitch me is something that will motivate me to roll off the couch and fix dinner - never mind lunch. The combination of gloomy weather, the flu and watching CNN robbed me from the most basic instincts of self-preservation.
How 'bout a security system and some light bulbs?
How 'bout a hunky cutie pie who will make dinner for you?
Do you have an extra on laying around? Fedex it to me. :)
Feeling stuffed are we?
A few months ago I had some nice chap who tried to assure me my mortgage was late and he'd assist with refinancing. When I told him I was never late, he argued. So convincingly, I called my mortgage company to make sure I stood where I thought.
There's a couple of you famous bloggers with the plague. Drown the germs in 80 proof. (Or let me know if you really do need something.)
Actually, what I do is tell them: I want you to put me on your no-call list. I do it with glee, because the only thing by law they can reply to that is "Yes ma'm."
Stuffed, cured pickled. It's a good thing I don't get sick very often, since I have very low tolerance to pain and misery. I guess I should have taken those flu shots.
Register your phone number. Then, when anyone calls illegally (some can legally call even if you're registered) you get to report them. This actually works.
I enjoy the persistent callers who don't take me off their list when I ask them to. I wait for them. Then I rope them in, like I'm glad they called. I get their company name and phone number. Then I tell them I'm on the government's Do Not Call list and tell them to remove me from their list - they've usually hung up on me before I can get the whole sentence out. I guarantee, you'll never hear from them again.
Anyway, this did nothing to alleviate my mental illnesses but it cured my flu.
You were so right about the Painted Veil.
I was? What did I say?
That it was a wonderful film that nobody saw. I watched it last night.
Vanda, I left you a hot link in comments of Trash Tuesday (a full view of the lamp). The Painted Veil is excellent and beautiful.
Have you ever been to Fontucky? That photo is positively the Inland Empire (filmed mostly in Poland-I know).
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